About Us
A message from Michelle, CEO of Neuroendocrine Cancer NZ
Welcome to our community. If you’re reading this page, it’s likely that you or someone you love has been diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer and you’re probably looking for information, answers, or support. When our founder Siobhan Conroy found herself in that exact situation back in 2013 she responded by creating Neuroendocrine Cancer New Zealand - Aotearoa New Zealand’s only national charity dedicated to supporting patients and whānau living with neuroendocrine cancer.

We are driven by patient needs. We know that a neuroendocrine cancer diagnosis is a lot to get your head around. It’s a complex cancer that most people haven’t heard of, and even doctors often know little about it. That’s where we come in. We’re here to help you and your whānau understand more about your cancer. We can help you with the stress and strain of learning to live with your cancer. We actively support research projects that lead to better understanding and better treatments. And we advocate for new treatments to be publicly funded. We want every person with neuroendocrine cancer to have the best quality care. We believe that with the right treatments and the right support, people with neuroendocrine cancer can live a full and fabulous life.
We are a small charity with a big mission, but we receive no government funding. We rely on the generosity of our community. Thank you to all our patients and their friends and families for enabling us to provide support to every patient at every stage of their journey.

Why the Unicorn?
In honour of our origins as Unicorn Foundation NZ, our logo represents a Unicorn horn, because this cancer is unique, and because the unicorn is a symbol of hope – hope for early diagnosis, hope for better outcomes, hope for a cure.
In late 2021, we renamed our organisation Neuroendocrine Cancer NZ to better reflect what we do and it makes it easier for people to find and connect with us.
Affectionately, we still call ourselves and everyone in our NZ NET cancer community, Unicorns.

Did you know...
a group of unicorns is called
'a blessing?'

Just Diagnosed?
Information about what neuroendocrine tumours are, the different types, treatments and where to get support.

Latest News
Neuroendocrine cancer news and updates from around NZ and our partner organisations around the world.

Join our Community
Our growing community is at the heart of our organisation. Find out how you can connect with us and others around the country and in your region.

Get involved
Information about online education sessions and catch-ups, find out how you can fundraise, complete a survey & other ways you can get involved.