Get Involved

Attend or sponsor events
Our events are put on for education and fundraising purposes and are always open for anyone to attend.
Check out Events page for upcoming events you can attend.
If you have or work for a business that could help with keeping our operating costs at a minimum to maximise our fundraising potential, we'd love to hear from you! Whether it's providing marketing services, entertainment, food and beverage support or supplying production or AV (audio visual) equipment please reach out to get a conversation started about how you can assist.

If you have some time to give, (and we know this is precious) or you have a link to a business who may be able to help - you could make a real difference in a lot of people lives. If you do put your hand up, we would want you to focus on an area that interests you, be it to help patients on a one to one basis through patient support, or maybe you are a professional person who could donate some of your professional skills to help us. Whatever your skill set, we would love to hear from you

We welcome businesses who get behind Neuroendocrine Cancer NZ's mission. Whether you can sponsor an event, make a tax-deductible donation or provide a corporate sponsorship for goods or services, we'd love to chat to you. The different ways you can help are endless and we’re here to help.
Become a Corporate Partner

One of our key objectives is to improve access to treatment and research so we can help find a cure for NET cancer. We work closely with the University of Auckland research department and there are a number of research activities taking place in NZ and overseas, including patient focus groups, giving feedback through to donating blood or tissue to current projects.
There will be times when we will need as many supporters to come together to help lobby and create change, so please contact us to be added to our mailing list.
NET Research & Access

Have an event in mind that you'd like to tag some fundraising onto? Are you organising your own fundraiser? Or do you have a creative way you'd like to raise awareness and funds for Neuroendocrine Cancer NZ? We make the fundraising process super easy for you and can be as much or as little support as you need along the way!
Fundraise for NECNZ​
Could you be our next Event Sponsor?
We would love to keep providing education days, fundraisers, social events and patient support groups for our community. If you would like to make an event possible by offering sponsorship for any of the upcoming events, or suggesting one, please e-mail us to discuss how you can help to bring any of our events or fundraisers to life!